High-Energy ShockWave Has Stood The TEST of TIME!
The Physicians and Practioners that Pioneered High-Energy ShockWave ESWT, all know that this technology has stood the test of time for over 20 years while continually maintaining an Extraordinary High Rates of Success for Patients with No Reported Side Effects and a Rapid Recovery Time.
Most Patients won't even think about invasive surgery as an option even though their Doctors tell them that surgery is their only option.
High-Energy ShockWave ESWT has better outcomes than surgery in most cases with a higher rate of success and little to no recovery time, also without any of the issues that come with invasive surgery.
High-Energy ShockWave ESWT even repairs botched surgery's that did not get results by giving back range as well as elevating PAIN. It also has the ability to breaking up scar tissue from the surgery that can cause significant problems for patient.
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